By Nicholas Quisler
This project seeks to analyze biodiversity data from the National Parks Service, particularly around various species observed in the Bryce, Great Smoky Mountains, Yellowstone, and Yosemite National Parks.
This project will explore, analyze, prepare, plot data, and seek to explain the findings from the analysis.
Data Sources
- contains data about different species and their conservation status.
- class of animalscientific_name
- the scientific name of each speciescommon_name
- the common names of each speciesconservation_status
- each species' current conservation statusobservations.csv
- holds recorded sightings of different species at several national parks for the past 7 days.
- the scientific name of each speciespark_name
- park where species were foundobservations
- the number of times each species was observed at the parkIn this project the perspective will be through a biodiversity analyst for the National Parks Service. The National Park Service wants to ensure the survival of at-risk species, to maintain the level of biodiversity within their parks. Therefore, the main objectives as an analyst will be understanding characteristics about the species and their conservation status, and those species and their relationship to the national parks.
Here are a few question this project seeks to answer:
We start by importing preliminary python modules:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
To look for connections, the datasets are loaded into DataFrames so that they can be visualized.
Here species_info.csv will be read in into a DataFrame called species
, followed by a quick inspection of the DataFrame using .head()
to check its contents.
species = pd.read_csv('species_info.csv')
category | scientific_name | common_names | conservation_status | |
0 | Mammal | Clethrionomys gapperi gapperi | Gapper's Red-Backed Vole | NaN |
1 | Mammal | Bos bison | American Bison, Bison | NaN |
2 | Mammal | Bos taurus | Aurochs, Aurochs, Domestic Cattle (Feral), Dom... | NaN |
3 | Mammal | Ovis aries | Domestic Sheep, Mouflon, Red Sheep, Sheep (Feral) | NaN |
4 | Mammal | Cervus elaphus | Wapiti Or Elk | NaN |
Here observations.csv will be read in into a DataFrame called sightings
, to avoid confusion with column observation
sightings = pd.read_csv('observations.csv')
scientific_name | park_name | observations | |
0 | Vicia benghalensis | Great Smoky Mountains National Park | 68 |
1 | Neovison vison | Great Smoky Mountains National Park | 77 |
2 | Prunus subcordata | Yosemite National Park | 138 |
3 | Abutilon theophrasti | Bryce National Park | 84 |
4 | Githopsis specularioides | Great Smoky Mountains National Park | 85 |
Here the data will be inspected to make sure the data was imported as the correct data type, without any missing, strange, or null values.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 5824 entries, 0 to 5823 Data columns (total 4 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 category 5824 non-null object 1 scientific_name 5824 non-null object 2 common_names 5824 non-null object 3 conservation_status 191 non-null object dtypes: object(4) memory usage: 182.1+ KB
We see that conservation_status
has null values. So it warrants a closer look.
[nan 'Species of Concern' 'Endangered' 'Threatened' 'In Recovery']
In the case of this data, a nan conservation status means they are a species without concern. To avoid confusion it would be best to rename the null values Least Concern
species['conservation_status'] = species['conservation_status'].fillna('Least Concern')
['Least Concern' 'Species of Concern' 'Endangered' 'Threatened' 'In Recovery']
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 23296 entries, 0 to 23295 Data columns (total 3 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 scientific_name 23296 non-null object 1 park_name 23296 non-null object 2 observations 23296 non-null int64 dtypes: int64(1), object(2) memory usage: 546.1+ KB
Now, with the columns being the correct data type, the column counts being equal, and the statistics appearing normal as expected, we can conclude there are no missing or null values.
It is time to explore the species
data a little more in depth. The first thing is to find the number of distinct species in the data. Using the column scientific_name
we get 5,541 unique species. There seems to be a lot of species in the national parks!
print(f'Number of Species: {species.scientific_name.nunique():,}')
Number of Species: 5,541
Next is to find the number of each category
in the data. Vascular plants are most represented in the data with 4,470 counts. Reptiles are least represented in the data with 79 counts.
category Vascular Plant 4470 Bird 521 Nonvascular Plant 333 Mammal 214 Fish 127 Amphibian 80 Reptile 79 dtype: int64
Finally a count of each conservation_status
category is done. There are 5,633 species without concerns, 161 species of concern, 16 endangered, 10 threatened, and 4 in recovery.
conservation_status Least Concern 5633 Species of Concern 161 Endangered 16 Threatened 10 In Recovery 4 dtype: int64
It is time to look at the sightings
data. The first task is to check the number of parks in the dataset. There are only 4 national parks with 5,824 sightings each.
park_name Bryce National Park 5824 Great Smoky Mountains National Park 5824 Yellowstone National Park 5824 Yosemite National Park 5824 dtype: int64
Finally the number of observations are counted, totaling 3,314,739 sightings within the 7 days.
print(f'Number of Observations: {sightings.observations.sum():,}')
Number of Observations: 3,314,739
This section will begin analyzing the data after the initial exploration. First task will be to clean and explore the conservation_status
column in species
The column conservation_status
has several possible values:
Least Concern
: appearing not in need of conservationSpecies of Concern
: declining or appears to be in need of conservationThreatened
: vulnerable to endangerment in the near futureEndangered
: seriously at risk of extinctionIn Recovery
: formerly Endangered
, but currently neither in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its rangeThe first task is to check out the different categories that are nested in the conservation_status
column, except for the ones that do not require intervention. There is both the table and chart to explore below.
For those in the Endangered
status, 7 were mammals and 4 were birds. In the In Recovery
status, there were 3 birds and 1 mammal, which could possibly mean that the birds are bouncing back more than the mammals.
conservation_category = pd.pivot_table(
species[species.conservation_status != "Least Concern"],
category | Amphibian | Bird | Fish | Mammal | Nonvascular Plant | Reptile | Vascular Plant |
conservation_status | |||||||
Endangered | 1.0 | 4.0 | 3.0 | 7.0 | NaN | NaN | 1.0 |
In Recovery | NaN | 3.0 | NaN | 1.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
Species of Concern | 4.0 | 72.0 | 4.0 | 28.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 43.0 |
Threatened | 2.0 | NaN | 4.0 | 2.0 | NaN | NaN | 2.0 |
title='Species Count by Conservation Status',
xlabel= '',
The next question is if certain types of species are more likely to be endangered? This can be answered by creating a new column called is_protected
and including any species that had a value other than Least Concern
species['is_protected'] = species.conservation_status != 'Least Concern'
Once the new column is created, group by category
and is_protected
to show the break down of each species type and protection status.
It's easy to see that Birds, Vascular Plants, and Mammals have a higher absolute number of species protected.
category_counts = species.groupby(['category', 'is_protected'])\
category_counts.columns = ['category', 'not_protected', 'protected']
category | not_protected | protected | |
0 | Amphibian | 72 | 7 |
1 | Bird | 413 | 75 |
2 | Fish | 115 | 11 |
3 | Mammal | 146 | 30 |
4 | Nonvascular Plant | 328 | 5 |
5 | Reptile | 73 | 5 |
6 | Vascular Plant | 4216 | 46 |
Absolute numbers aren't always easy to visualize, so creating a protection_ratio
column may be useful. From this analysis we see that ~17.0% of birds are protected and ~99.9% of vascular plants aren't protected.
category_counts['protection_ratio'] = category_counts.protected/ \
(category_counts.protected + category_counts.not_protected)
category | not_protected | protected | protection_ratio | |
0 | Amphibian | 72 | 7 | 0.088608 |
1 | Bird | 413 | 75 | 0.153689 |
2 | Fish | 115 | 11 | 0.087302 |
3 | Mammal | 146 | 30 | 0.170455 |
4 | Nonvascular Plant | 328 | 5 | 0.015015 |
5 | Reptile | 73 | 5 | 0.064103 |
6 | Vascular Plant | 4216 | 46 | 0.010793 |
sns.barplot(x='category', y='protection_ratio', data=category_counts)
plt.title('Protection Ratio by Category')
plt.ylabel('Protection Ratio')
Next some chi-squared tests will be done to see if different species have a statistically significant difference in their conservation status ratio. A contingency table will be created like so.
protected | not protected | |
Mammal | ? | ? |
Bird | ? | ? |
The first test, contingency1
will need to be filled with the correct numbers for mammals and birds.
The results from the chi-squared test returns a p-value of 0.69, and the expected contingency table below.
protected | not protected | |
Mammal | 28 | 148 |
Bird | 77 | 411 |
The standard p-value to test statistical significance is 0.05. For the value retrieved from this test, 0.69 is much larger than 0.05. So, in the case of mammals and birds there doesn't seem to be any significant relationship between them i.e. the variables are independent.
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
contingency1 = [[30, 146], [75, 413]]
chi2, p, dof, ex = chi2_contingency(contingency1)
print(f'p-value: {p}')
print(f'The expected frequencies: {ex}')
p-value: 0.6875948096661336 The expected frequencies: [[ 27.8313253 148.1686747] [ 77.1686747 410.8313253]]
The next pair, is going to test the difference between Reptile
and Mammal
This time the p-value is 0.039, and the expected contingency table is below.
protected | not protected | |
Mammal | 24 | 152 |
Reptile | 11 | 67 |
Our p-value is below the standard threshold of 0.05, making the difference between reptile and mammal is statistically significant. Mammals are shown to have a statistically significant higher rate of needed protection compared with Reptiles.
contingency2 = [[30, 146], [5, 73]]
chi2, p, dof, ex = chi2_contingency(contingency2)
print(f'p-value: {p}')
print(f'The expected frequencies: {ex}')
p-value: 0.03835559022969898 The expected frequencies: [[ 24.2519685 151.7480315] [ 10.7480315 67.2519685]]
The next set of analysis will come from data from the conservationists as they have been recording sightings of different species at several national parks for the past 7 days.
The current goal is to look at the the common names from species
to get an idea of the most prevalent animals in the dataset. The data will be need to be split up into individual names.
Its best to first start cleaning the extra commas and parentheses in the common_names
temp_1 = species[species.category == 'Mammal']\
.apply(lambda x: x.replace(',',''))\
.apply(lambda x: x.replace('(',''))\
.apply(lambda x: x.replace(')',''))\
0 [Gapper's, Red-Backed, Vole] 1 [American, Bison, Bison] 2 [Aurochs, Aurochs, Domestic, Cattle, Feral, Do... 3 [Domestic, Sheep, Mouflon, Red, Sheep, Sheep, ... 4 [Wapiti, Or, Elk] 5 [White-Tailed, Deer] Name: common_names, dtype: object
The next step is to clean up duplicate words in each row since they should no be counted more than once per species. Using [*set(x)]
is perfect for removing duplicate values in a list.
temp_2 = temp_1.apply(lambda x: [*set(x)])
0 [Gapper's, Red-Backed, Vole] 1 [Bison, American] 2 [Domestic, Domesticated, Aurochs, Feral, Cattle] 3 [Domestic, Red, Sheep, Mouflon, Feral] 4 [Wapiti, Or, Elk] 5 [Deer, White-Tailed] Name: common_names, dtype: object
Next the words will need to be collapsed into one column for easier use using explode
temp_3 = temp_2.explode()
0 Gapper's 0 Red-Backed 0 Vole 1 Bison 1 American 2 Domestic Name: common_names, dtype: object
Finally, the number occurrences of each word can be counted. From this analysis, it seems that Bat
occurred 23 times while Shrew
came up 18 times.
temp_4 = pd.DataFrame(temp_3.value_counts().reset_index())
temp_4.columns = ['Word', 'Count']
Word | Count | |
0 | Bat | 23 |
1 | Shrew | 18 |
2 | Myotis | 17 |
3 | Mouse | 16 |
4 | Chipmunk | 13 |
5 | American | 12 |
6 | Squirrel | 12 |
7 | Vole | 11 |
8 | Eastern | 11 |
9 | Western | 10 |
In the data, there are several different scientific names for different types of bats. The next task is to figure out which rows of species
are referring to bats. A new column is_bat
will be made, checking if the common_names
column contains the word "Bat".
species['is_bat'] = species.common_names.str.contains(r'\bBat\b', regex=True)
category | scientific_name | common_names | conservation_status | is_protected | is_bat | |
0 | Mammal | Clethrionomys gapperi gapperi | Gapper's Red-Backed Vole | Least Concern | False | False |
1 | Mammal | Bos bison | American Bison, Bison | Least Concern | False | False |
2 | Mammal | Bos taurus | Aurochs, Aurochs, Domestic Cattle (Feral), Dom... | Least Concern | False | False |
3 | Mammal | Ovis aries | Domestic Sheep, Mouflon, Red Sheep, Sheep (Feral) | Least Concern | False | False |
4 | Mammal | Cervus elaphus | Wapiti Or Elk | Least Concern | False | False |
Here is a subset of the data where is_bat
is true, returning see the 23 rows that matched. There seems to be many species of bats with a mix of protected vs. non-protected status.
category | scientific_name | common_names | conservation_status | is_protected | is_bat | |
28 | Mammal | Corynorhinus rafinesquii | Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat | Least Concern | False | True |
29 | Mammal | Eptesicus fuscus | Big Brown Bat | Species of Concern | True | True |
30 | Mammal | Lasionycteris noctivagans | Silver-Haired Bat | Species of Concern | True | True |
31 | Mammal | Lasiurus borealis | Eastern Red Bat, Red Bat | Least Concern | False | True |
32 | Mammal | Lasiurus cinereus | Hoary Bat | Least Concern | False | True |
36 | Mammal | Myotis leibii | Eastern Small-Footed Bat, Eastern Small-Footed... | Species of Concern | True | True |
37 | Mammal | Myotis lucifugus | Little Brown Bat, Little Brown Myotis | Species of Concern | True | True |
38 | Mammal | Myotis septentrionalis | Northern Long-Eared Bat, Northern Myotis | Threatened | True | True |
39 | Mammal | Myotis sodalis | Indiana Bat, Indiana Or Social Myotis | Endangered | True | True |
40 | Mammal | Nycticeius humeralis | Evening Bat | Least Concern | False | True |
3033 | Mammal | Antrozous pallidus | Pallid Bat, Pallid Bat | Species of Concern | True | True |
3034 | Mammal | Corynorhinus townsendii | Mule-Eared Bat, Pacific Townsend's Big-Eared B... | Least Concern | False | True |
3035 | Mammal | Eptesicus fuscus | Big Brown Bat, Big Brown Bat | Species of Concern | True | True |
3036 | Mammal | Euderma maculatum | Spotted Bat, Spotted Bat | Species of Concern | True | True |
3037 | Mammal | Lasionycteris noctivagans | Silver-Haired Bat, Silver-Haired Bat | Species of Concern | True | True |
3038 | Mammal | Lasiurus cinereus | Hoary Bat, Hoary Bat | Least Concern | False | True |
3040 | Mammal | Myotis ciliolabrum | Small-Footed Myotis, Western Small-Footed Bat,... | Least Concern | False | True |
3042 | Mammal | Myotis lucifugus | Little Brown Bat, Little Brown Myotis, Little ... | Species of Concern | True | True |
4461 | Mammal | Eumops perotis | Western Mastiff Bat | Least Concern | False | True |
4462 | Mammal | Tadarida brasiliensis | Mexican Free-Tailed Bat | Least Concern | False | True |
4463 | Mammal | Corynorhinus townsendii | Townsend's Big-Eared Bat | Least Concern | False | True |
4464 | Mammal | Lasiurus blossevillii | Western Red Bat | Species of Concern | True | True |
4468 | Mammal | Parastrellus hesperus | Canyon Bat | Least Concern | False | True |
Next the results of the bat species will be merged with observations
to create a DataFrame
with observations of bats across the four national parks.
bat_observations = sightings.merge(species[species.is_bat])
scientific_name | park_name | observations | category | common_names | conservation_status | is_protected | is_bat | |
0 | Lasiurus blossevillii | Bryce National Park | 113 | Mammal | Western Red Bat | Species of Concern | True | True |
1 | Lasiurus blossevillii | Great Smoky Mountains National Park | 70 | Mammal | Western Red Bat | Species of Concern | True | True |
2 | Lasiurus blossevillii | Yosemite National Park | 123 | Mammal | Western Red Bat | Species of Concern | True | True |
3 | Lasiurus blossevillii | Yellowstone National Park | 221 | Mammal | Western Red Bat | Species of Concern | True | True |
4 | Corynorhinus rafinesquii | Yosemite National Park | 188 | Mammal | Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat | Least Concern | False | True |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
139 | Myotis sodalis | Yellowstone National Park | 68 | Mammal | Indiana Bat, Indiana Or Social Myotis | Endangered | True | True |
140 | Myotis leibii | Yosemite National Park | 132 | Mammal | Eastern Small-Footed Bat, Eastern Small-Footed... | Species of Concern | True | True |
141 | Myotis leibii | Bryce National Park | 84 | Mammal | Eastern Small-Footed Bat, Eastern Small-Footed... | Species of Concern | True | True |
142 | Myotis leibii | Great Smoky Mountains National Park | 49 | Mammal | Eastern Small-Footed Bat, Eastern Small-Footed... | Species of Concern | True | True |
143 | Myotis leibii | Yellowstone National Park | 233 | Mammal | Eastern Small-Footed Bat, Eastern Small-Footed... | Species of Concern | True | True |
144 rows × 8 columns
Let's see how many total bat observations(across all species) were made at each national park.
The total number of bats observed in each park over the past 7 days are in the table below. Yellowstone National Park seems to have the largest with 8,362 observations and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park having the lowest with 2,411.
park_name | observations | |
0 | Bryce National Park | 3433 |
1 | Great Smoky Mountains National Park | 2411 |
2 | Yellowstone National Park | 8362 |
3 | Yosemite National Park | 4786 |
Now let's see each park broken down by protected bats vs. non-protected bat sightings. It seems that every park except for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park has more sightings of protected bats than not. This could be considered a great sign for bats.
obs_by_park = pd.pivot_table(
.set_axis(['not_protected', 'protected'], axis=1)\
park_name | not_protected | protected | |
0 | Bryce National Park | 1596 | 1837 |
1 | Great Smoky Mountains National Park | 1299 | 1112 |
2 | Yellowstone National Park | 4044 | 4318 |
3 | Yosemite National Park | 2345 | 2441 |
But again, absolute numbers aren't always easy to visualize, so creating a protection_ratio
column may be useful.
obs_by_park['protection_ratio'] = obs_by_park.protected/ \
(obs_by_park.protected + obs_by_park.not_protected)
park_name | not_protected | protected | protection_ratio | |
0 | Bryce National Park | 1596 | 1837 | 0.535100 |
1 | Great Smoky Mountains National Park | 1299 | 1112 | 0.461219 |
2 | Yellowstone National Park | 4044 | 4318 | 0.516384 |
3 | Yosemite National Park | 2345 | 2441 | 0.510029 |
Below is a plot from the output of the last data manipulation. From this chart one can see that Yellowstone, Bryce National Parks, and Yosemite seem to be doing a great job with their bat populations since there are more sightings of protected bats compared to non-protected species, indicated by the dashed line. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park might need to beef up their efforts in conservation as they have seen more non-protected species.
obs_by_park['park_name'] = obs_by_park.park_name.apply(lambda x: x.replace('National Park',''))
sns.barplot(data=obs_by_park, x='park_name', y='protection_ratio')
plt.title('Protection Ratio by National Park')
plt.ylabel('Protection Ratio')
plt.xlabel('National Park')
plt.axhline(y=0.5, linewidth=1, color='k', linestyle='--')
The project was able to make several data visualizations and inferences about the various species in four of the National Parks that comprised this data set.
This project was also able to answer some of the questions first posed in the beginning:
This dataset only included observations from the last 7 days which prohibits analyze changes over time. It would be curious to see how the conservation status for various species changes over time. Another piece that is missing is the Area of each park, it can be assumed that Yellowstone National Park might be much larger than the other parks which would mean that it would exhibit more observations and greater biodiversity. Lastly, if precise locations were recorded, the spatial distribution of the species could also be observed and test if these observations are spatially clustered.